Coming to you!
Rick displays his passion for the game
during his playing days. Hear his story.
Are you ready for some football?
Can you feel it?
Stir your heart, and let's have some fun together as we go on a journey to experience:
The MAGIC of a great team...
The HISTORY of the game...
And making MEMORIES, old and new...
With an interactive and heartfelt presentation on the love of the game.

Ready, Set, (Make the call) Hut Hut!
A Great Team + Great History + Great Memories = Magic
Rick recently had the privilege of giving a presentation for the Arizona Cardinals at the Arizona Cardinals Stadium on the the magic of a great team, Cardinal History, and helping others make their memories.

Rick is with Brooke Smith, Premium Services Manager for the Cardinals.

Rick Losey captures the
magic in his presentation.